jehovah rapha


He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing.

(1 Peter 2:24, The Message)


You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

I trust in You
I trust in You

I believe You’re my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You’re my Portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus You’re all I need

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

(Hillsong-This is Our God)


dear Lord,

I believe that You are still the same, yesterday, today and forever. I believe Your miracle is still happened these days. I believe that You love me and don’t want me to have disease in my body. I believe that You are the sun of righteousness with healing in Your wings.

Everytime I come to You, I just cry, cry, and cry. I say nothing. Even now, when I’m writing this, I’m crying. You see each of my tears that fall.

Lord, I want to learn much about Your words. Through this disease You want to teach me about Your healing, as Your words said

These are some of the signs that will accompany believers: They will throw out demons in my name, they will speak in new tongues, they will take snakes in their hands, they will drink poison and not be hurt, they will lay hands on the sick and make them well.

(Mark 16:17-18, The Message)

Once, when I understand about this, I will be healed and I will be ready to bless others through healing prayer. So, many tribes will come to You through me. My desire is to fulfill Your calling and be blessing to many tribes and nations.

I put my whole hope and trust in You. In Jesus name. Amen.

That’s the place where GOD set up rules and procedures; that’s where he started testing them. GOD said, “If you listen, listen obediently to how GOD tells you to live in his presence, obeying his commandments and keeping all his laws, then I won’t strike you with all the diseases that I inflicted on the Egyptians; I am GOD your healer.” 

(Exodus 15:26, The Message)

I am The GOD that healeth thee
I am The Lord your healer
I said My word and I heal Your disease
I am The Lord your healer

You are The GOD that healeth me
You are The Lord my healer
You said Your word and You heal my disease
You are The Lord my healer

(Don Moen)

5 thoughts on “jehovah rapha

  1. (Psa 107:20, The Message) He spoke the word that healed you,..

    Jd inget kotbah Rev.John Hartman yg di tv itu..dia selalu bilangdi akhir kotbahnya..’by His stripes, you were already healed’ 🙂

  2. u are everything He says u are, be to u as u believe, faith will never fail my dear sister 🙂 kk jg msh blajar ttg prkara itu… ciao ciao..GBU

  3. gatau jg dek itu bahasanya “Vence” intinya semangat atau ayo km bisa!…bahasa mandarin kali yeee..:D kynya kk slh caio mksdnya..heuheu..

    Pengobatan Herbal lebih simpel dan memiliki daya sembuh yang kuat tanpa efek samping meskipun berjalan pelan tepat pada sasarannya. Dan bagi anda/orang tua/saudara/tetangga/sahabat/teman yang sampai saat ini masih mengeluhkan musibah berupa penyakit ringan atau pun berat dan belum mendapatkan solusi/jalan keluar dalam pengobatan, tidak ada salahnya untuk merujuk ke pengobatan herbal sebagai salah satu ikhtiar anda. Dan yang pasti Jangan pernah putus asa, karena setiap penyakit pasti ada obatnya (kecuali maut/kematian). Bila anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubunngi di no 021-99826827 (purwo). Terima kasih semoga anda mendapatkan solusi yang terbaik bagi orang yang anda sayangi

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